执行速度快 提高安全性 将少网络传输量create proc usp_Demo
as befin select * from Score as t1 inner join student as t2 on t1.studentId=t2.SId where t1.english<60 end执行exec usp_Demo//修改存储过程 alter
----带参数的存储过程create proc usp_Demo
@level intas befin select * from Score as t1 inner join student as t2 on t1.studentId=t2.SId where t1.english<@level end exec usp_Demo 45 ----- 参数的默认值 create proc usp_Demo @level int =60as befin select * from Score as t1 inner join student as t2 on t1.studentId=t2.SId where t1.english<@level end exec usp_Demo ---------------- 单输出参数的 create proc usp_Demo3 @level int,@count int out as begin select * from Score as t1 inner join student as t2 on t1.studentId=t2.SId where t1.english<@level select @count=count(*) from Score wherer english<@level end declare @n int //定义变量 exec usp_Demo3 45,@n output //执行 print @n ------------------------- 分页存储过程 select * from (select *,row_number() over(order by sid)as num from Student) as t where num between 1 and 3 第n页 每页3条 select * from (select *,row_number() over(order by sid) as num from student)as t where num between (@pageIndex-1)*@pageSize+1 and @pageSize*@pageIndex --创建存储过程 create proc usp_Getpaged @pageIndex int,@pageSize int,@pageCount int output as begin declare @num int select @num=count(*)from student --总页数 set @pageCount=ceiling(@num*1.0/@pageSize) select * from (select *,row_number() over(order by sid) as num from student)as t where num between (@pageIndex-1)*@pageSize+1 and @pageSize*@pageIndex end --测试 declare @n int exec usp_GetPaged 1,3,@n output print @n1 ------------- c#调用存储过程 ----------------- 触发器 触发器是一种特殊类型的存储过程,在表中数据发生变化时自动执行,可以用于sql的约束,默认值和规则 //把student表中的数据插入到现有表中 //insert into backupstudent select * from student ---创建触发器 先建2个表 create table Records( rId int identity(1,1) primary key, rType int , -- 1存钱 -1 取钱 rMoney money, userId char(4))gocreate table bank( cId char(4) primary key, balance money, --余额)alter table bank
add constraint CH_balance check(balance >=10)go
--delete from bankinsert into bank values('0001',1000)insert into bank values('0002',10)go 创建触发器 create trigger tr_Records on Records for insert as declare @rType int,@userId char(4),@money money select @rType=rType,@userId=userId,@money=rmoney from inserted updata bank set balance+@rType*@money where cId=@userId //执行 insert into Records values(1,1000,'0001') --------- 创建视图 --视图create view v_studentas select * from Student inner join Class on Class.cId = Student.sClassIdselect * from v_student------------------